I was perusing a Family Circle magazine and came to a teeny tiny article (it was only one paragraph long; I almost looked over it!!) about a website called What caught my attention was that I saw 'Malawi' in it. Turns out, CARE and General Mills have collaborated on creating this awesome program in an effort to fight global poverty. General Mills plans to give up to $500,000 to nearly 75 villages in Malawi. Best of all, ALL funds go toward educating and training local girls and women.
There are several ways you can help: you can donate your own money, and GM will match it dollar for dollar, or you can take a 3-question quiz about Malawi- and $3 will automatically go towards your team, or you can simply tell a friend about the site. I registered to the site to be a part of Team Tembwe, I took the quiz and I got all 3 of my questions right. woo hoo! I must know a little something about Malawi! It only takes a few minutes to register, and then another few to take the quiz. You can take the quiz daily, and raise up to $3 a day. That $3 a day will add up quickly. Every little bit will help!
So sign up, take a quiz every day, tell friends about it, and/or donate your own money! Click HERE to see the website home page and browse at your liking or click on the Tembwe Team link below to help out my team!
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