God's work in Khwamba
Kwamba. This was the last feeding center we worked at on our mission trip. It supported the most kids- hands down, and definitely had the most need.
We arrived sometime mid-morning, and for the time we were there, kids just kept coming. The entire center became filled with curious wide-eyed children, as well as adults who wanted in on what was going on. From looking at the images below, you can see that they sit very close to one another, shoulder to shoulder and knee to knee, barely room to move. It is unbelievable how many people (combined kids and adults) heard the good news that day! Praise God for getting us there to share the good news... and praise Him for bringing in listening ears. I can only pray that those listening ears HEARD. "He who has ears, let him hear." Matthew 13:43b
Just like the other centers we worked at, we did a medical mission- Dr. Butler saw the kids and Jenny saw the older people. Mary Beth was able to work with Dr. Butler, and Emily and one of our translators, Dyton, wrote workups of their current symptoms before they were seen, which made it easier and faster to get people in and out. The more people that could be seen, the better. There were so many physically hurting people. We presented a hygiene clinic and passed out soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Susan read scripture and prayed with the secondary age kids, and Jenny presented the VBS story. We also did the crafts that went along with the stories. It is truly amazing at how God provided all the craft supplies for this center. We were so worried that we wouldn't have enough of anything... medicine, craft supplies, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes... with this being the last center, a chunk of everything had been used and/or given out already, and now we were presented with an ENORMOUS amount of people that we wanted to provide for. God provided for them; every child there went home with a tube of toothpaste, a toothbrush, and a bar of soap. And they were able to make kites that went along with one of the bible stories!!
Great is thy faithfulness! Great is thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see:
All I have needed thy hand hath provided
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
To see God working is a beautiful thing! To see His hand in everything He set us out to do in this beautiful land, spreading His word and the truth of Jesus Christ to these beautiful people was glorious. And the glory be to Him! It took this mission trip for Him to show me how He works... in everything and through everything. I get so used to our routine here at home that I forget to look and see Him working, even in the smallest of things. He showed me on this trip that everything is in His time, that He alone provides, that He cares and loves us, everyone of us. His children. When Ryan and I arrived back home, we prayed together that the Lord would continue to use us for His glory. We have seen Him working in our lives and opening sooo many doors for us. It's exciting and terrifying at the same time. We will go wherever He takes us; we pray that we will obey. So, here we go, down the path God has prepared in advance for us. Where will He take us next?? And what will He have us do?? I can't wait to find out!

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