God's work in Selengo
Selengo was my favorite feeding center. This center fed the orphans of close to 100 surrounding villages!! Yet, it seemed the cleanest, most well-kept and organized. I've mentioned this before, but, I'll mention it again- one of the biggest blessing about this mission trip was the kids. Reading the Gospel to them, talking to them, holding them, playing all kinds of games with them- soccer being one of them- was such a tremendous encouragement to them, and such a tremendous experience for all of us who went. I have never met kids like these. They are beautiful little souls who help to take care of each other, especially their siblings, who will sit and listen attentively, who eat with their hands, who play soccer with a ball made out of wrapped up plastic bags. I drew pictures on a pad of paper for a crowd of kids and they told me how to say the things I drew in their native tongue, Chichewa. They laughed at my sorry little drawings. God has given me a passion for photography, but free-hand drawing is not a talent I posses. I laughed with them. The fellowship with peoples from another land, another culture, another 'time' was touching to my soul. I want to go back to tell them more about Jesus. For it is not us (the missionaries) who convert when telling others about the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, it is the work of the Holy Spirit. Praise God for this. How scary it would be if it were completely up to us. God works in all things and through all things. In John 14:15-18, Jesus says "If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you." How awesome to know that He is always with us. He works through us for His glory and His will!
The team read the Bible stories and crafts with this center, as well as the medical mission and hygiene clinic. I got to read scripture and pray with the older kids! (the picture of my group is the very last image in this post) Ryan and Andy got to meet up with us at the end of the day, as they stayed at Katondo every day to work on the chicken house, but they joined us in playing with the kids, and of course, playing soccer, until it was time to go. Nobody ever wanted to leave. Leaving was the hardest part.

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