CCAP Church- in joyful song

Here is a video (used with permission) that was shot at Church of Central Africa Presbyterian that we visited on a Sunday morning for worship.  It was an incredible experience and I have two other stories to post next about that morning.  But first, here is a short video of the women singing.  I cannot explain to you the absolute joy in their faces and voices as they sang.  It was one of the most beautiful spectacles I have ever seen and one of the most profound experiences that I will NEVER forget.  I had chill bumps the entire time they sang.

video © copyright Dr. Dick Butler 2009.  Used with permission

Recent Landscapes/ Psalm 19:1

"The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands." Psalm 19:1    When I first started photographing, I was always drawn to landscapes. I was intrigued by the way light played on particular parts of the whole, making something otherwise ordinary become something extraordinary. I find myself equally interested in photographing people now, if not more so, but landscapes will always hold a special place in my heart. It is in the middle of the woods where I feel like I am most walking in the presence of the Lord and that He is showing me these tiny secret spaces of His handiwork.  It is amazing to me too that all these images have different feels to them, yet they all were taken in a 2 mile circumference around a lake! 

Mosquito nets

Here's a couple of funny shots... as most people know, those pesky insects by the name of 'mosquito' carry malaria, a disease that makes people very sick, and can ultimately lead to death if not treated. The mosquitos of Malawi do carry malaria. Luckily, we travelled there in their wintertime, when mosquitos are on the low side, BUT, we still saw plenty of them. We did have to sleep under mosquito nets and we made sure to put on repellant with DEET if we went out at dusk or after dark. Here is one shot of the bed Ryan and I used, and one of Ryan with his 'hat-net', which was more of a joke than anything. We all got a good laugh out of him!

Lake Malawi

A day of rest and relaxation. Lake Malawi is absolutely beautiful... sand, water, lots of blue. Good food and even better fellowship. I walked around while everyone was waiting for our food to be served and took a few images of these two guys and their fishing boat.