Fundraising ideas
Ideas for print finishes, presentations and fundraising shows were popping into my head even while we were in Africa. One idea was to transfer images onto textured canvas. Here are 4 canvases that I experimented with as gifts for four of my friends who threw me a baby shower. I shot these with my point and shoot camera, so the quality isn't the best for viewing, but you can at least get the idea. As soon as I get a chance, I'm going to do some experimentation onto fabric, hides and maybe even some wood panels. The possibilities are endless, but to see what media works best with the images to get the feel that I want, lots of testing and experimentation will be done! Prayerfully I will be able to show a group of work in a gallery setting and raise money for MOH (Ministry of Hope... scroll down a couple of blog posts to read about MOH). Even a little bit of money can go a LONG way in Africa. I do have some other ideas for fundraising for Ryan's seminary costs and living expenses... that will be another post!